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Monday, June 26

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Last week, on Thursday, June 8, 2017, eight people from the law firm of Barber, Banaszynski & Hiatt, including the three Senior Partners, gathered at Churchill Downs.

We were invited by the Home of the Innocents to attend a salute to Dr. Joan Thomas and Lee Thomas and a fundraiser on “Millionaires Row” at the Downs. There were 500 or so people there, all of whom were more “well heeled” than us. But we were there to salute the great work that the Home of the Innocents is doing in providing services for abandoned children and for children who have been released from hospitals who are terminal or who have serious physical problems.

Monday, September 28

Private non-profits posted by Oliver Barber, Jr.
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Wednesday, December 17

SOME BASIC IDEAS FOR EVERY ESTATE PLAN posted by Thomas J. Banaszynski
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Estate planning can seem like an overwhelming task, but it does not have to be.  Each of us has an estate for which we need to make some plans.  We all have loved ones who need to be part of that estate.  We all have special interests which we may want to address as part of that estate plan.

Wednesday, April 23

Steps to starting a new business posted by Jeffrey E. HIatt
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Starting a new business is an exciting, but somewhat confusing and consuming process.  The success of a new business starts with proper planning and counsel from your attorney and accountant.  Selecting the proper entity and tax status is very important.

Wednesday, February 12

"Kentucky Public Transit Day" at the State Capitol Rotunda posted by Oliver Barber, Jr.
Tags: Events 

Oliver Barber, Jr is a lobbyist at the General Assembly on behalf of five private non-profit organizations.  Among them is the Kentucky Public Transit Association.

He has put together a Transit Day at the Capitol.  Attached is a list of these events for the occasion.